Balanced Nutrition Meal Plan

Meal Plan developed by a Registered Dietitian, to support overall wellness through balanced nutrition.

This dietitian-designed meal plan was curated with balance in mind, including key macro and micronutrient rich foods to promote overall wellness, energy, and optimal. This meal plan includes quick and easy recipes to support balanced nutrition using an all-foods-fit approach. Choose to follow the meal plan, as is, or take ideas from the plan to integrate into your day.

Meal plan includes 2 weeks, 7 days per week, 3 meals and 3 snacks per day.

Full grocery list, weekly overview, and recipes with notes and photos included.

Back to School Sale! Normally $29.99 - now 50% off! Please note: Meal plan purchased are non-refundable and non-transferrable. If you would prefer to pay by e-transfer, please send the amount of 14.99 to as well as an email indicating which meal plan you wish to purchase, your full name, address and phone number. We will process your payment and email you a copy of the meal plan requested.
If you would prefer to pay by e-transfer, please send the amount of 14.99 to as well as an email indicating which meal plan you wish to purchase, your full name, address and phone number. We will process your payment and email you a copy of the meal plan requested.


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